1. Jesus in the Church
2. Jesus in the home
3. Uprooting demonic plantations
4. The issue of blood
5. Holy spirit in the church
6. Thou art loosed from thine infirmity
7. Deliverance of names
8. My enemies shall die and must die in my place
9. Heaven and Hell are real Part 1: Is your name in the book of life
10. Lord save my children
11. Affliction shall not rise the second time
12. The snare is broken
13. No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper
14. Heaven and Hell are real Part 2: What must I do to be saved
15. My children shall not beg for bread
16. Your healing is permanent
17. Present day church a market place
18. My stubborn pursuers must die
19. The profitless race
20. Breaking lose from embargo
21. How to recognise embargo
22. Praying against embargo
23. Heaven and Hell are Real Part 3: The acceptable religion
24. It shall not stand
25. My body is the temple of the Holy spirit
26. The power of midnight prayers
27. Dealing with anti gospel forces
28. Heaven and Hell are real Part 4: Beware of Satan the deceiver
29. Prayer for the family
30. He sent his word
31. Those seeking for my soul shall die
32. Heaven and Hell are real Part 5: I’m coming soon
33. My children shall fly high
34. My Family shall rejoice and be glad
35. The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon my home
36. Killing the serpents and scorpions in the church
37. Disappointing the devices of the enemies
38. Escape from the pit
39. Heal me O Lord
40. Wakati Adura
41. Midnight prophecy
42. Deliverance from placenta bondage
43. Uprooting demonic and satanic plantations Day 1: Fear must die
44. Uprooting demonic and satanic plantations Day 2: Uprooting tragedy and calamity
45. Dangers of fake identity
46. Silencing the voice of the oppressors
47. Cause thine anger towards us to cease
48. Shaking off the serpent
49. The manisfestation of Jesus Christ
50. Divine protection
51. Existing and living
52. The word that will not stand
53. Day 3: Failure must die
54. Day 4: Destroying the marks of rejection
55. Day 5: Untimely death is not my portion
56. Day 6: Destroying dream pollution
57. My destiny must manifest
58. Day 7: Breaking curses
59.Day 8: Stopping the wasters
60. Day 9: Dealing with the conspirators
61. Day 10: Silencing the voice of the senior brother
62. Day 11: Breaking the yoke of ancestral slavery
63. Day 12: Dealing with the spirit of antichrist
64. Day 13:Breaking limitations and barriers
65. Encounter with the Holy spirit
66. Day 14: Deliverance from spiritual marriage
67. Conditions for obtaining the blessings of the Lord
68. Day 15: Escape the spear of the wicked
69. Living daily by the word of God
70. Day 16: The soul in prison
71. Day 17: Witchcraft must die
72. Day 18: Cancer must die
73. Recognising your gold
74. The Cain in my life
75. Day 19: Spiritual blood cleansing
76. Day 20: Afflictions shall not rise again
77. Day 21: Lord expose the secrets of my enemies
78. Understanding the power of midnight prayers
79. Obtaining good success
80.The way to the strong tower
81. Gods declaration upon man in the beginning Part 1: Be fruitful
82. Part 2: Multiply
83. Part 3: Replenish the earth
84. Part 4: Subdue the earth
85. Part 5: Dominion over all things
86. Be merciless towards my stubborn enemies
87. If God be for me
88. The ways of death Part 1: Adam and Eve
89. The ways of death Part 2: The voice of the people
90. The ways of death Part 3: The murderer
91. The ways of death Part 4: Achan’s greed
92. The ways of death Part 5: Jesus Christ and Judas Iscariot
93. The ways of death Part 6: Insulting the anointed
94. The ways of death Part 6b: Insulting the anointed
95. The ways of death Part 7: Haman and Mordecai
96. The ways of death Part 8: Inability to discern Samson and Delilah
97. The ways of death Part 9: Not knowing the Lord Son’s of Eli
98. The ways of death Part 10: Doing things not commanded by God, sons of Aaron
99. The ten commandments Day 1: Thou shalt have no other gods before me
100. The ten commandments Day 2: Thou shalt not make image for yourself nor worship them
101. The ten commandments Day 3: Thou shalt not take the name of God in vain
102. The ten commandments Day 4: Honour the sabbath day
103. The Ten commandments Day 5: Honour thy Father and thy mother
104. The Ten commandments Day 6: Thou shalt not kill
105. The Ten commandments Day 7: Thou shalt not commit adultery
106. The Ten commandments Day 8: Thou shalt not steal
107. The Ten commandments Day 9: Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbour
108. The Ten commandments Day 10: Thou shalt not covet
109. The Ten Commandments Day 10: Thou shalt not covet Part 2
110. Be forceful
111. The people that do know their God
112. Fight to kill
113. The true reward for sacrifice and obedience
114. Authority over the new month
115. Divine Release Day 1: My destiny come out of the prison
116. Divine Release Day 2: My riches, blessings and virtues come out of evil prison
117. Divine Release Day 3: My certificates come out of the prison
118. Divine Release Day 4: My Marriage come out of the prison
119. Divine Release Day 5:My Children come out of the prison
120. Divine Release Day 5: My Children come out of the prison Part 2
121. Divine Release Day 6: My talent come out of the prison
122. Divine Release Day 7: My health come out of the prison
123. The Lion in me
124. 4 Uncommon attributes of God Almighty
125. The judgement seat of GodÂ
126. Revival in the body
127. Whom God hath not cursed
128. Out of the abundance of the heart
129. The house built on the rock
130. The power of a believer
131. Be vigilant not to miss it
132. Man is of few days and full of troubles
133. For thou we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh
134. I shall not die
135. Test all spirits
136. The creative power
137. Enjoying the best in the land
138. Satan entered Judas
139. What I greatly feared
140. Divine intervention
141. The way to follow
142. All you need is Jesus Christ
143. The blessed and their reward
144. Your roles in life
145. Your gifts and soul winning
146. New songs and celebration Day 1 : Bondage to freedom
147. New songs and celebration
148. I have a reason to praise the Lord
149. I have a reason to praise the Lord Part 1
150. Excellent spirit
151. He that loveth not knoweth not God
152. Honour with doing good
153. At the name of Jesus Part 1
154. At the name of Jesus Part 2
155. If thou shalt forget the Lord thy God and walk after other gods
156. God’s promises and prayer
157. Power of prophetic declaration
158. New songs and celebration Day 4 stagnancy to progress
159. New songs and celebration Day 5: Insult to glory
160. New songs and Celebration Day 6: Mourning to dancing
161. New songs and celebration Day 7: Impossibilities to possibilities
162. Faith and fear comes by hearing
163. Benefits of studying the Bible
164. 21 days of warfare scriptures to violently disorganise the enemies
165. Day 1: Psalm 23 verse 4
166. Day 2: Isaiah 54 verse 15
167. Day 3: Isaiah 54 verse 17
168. New songs and celebration Day 2: Prison to palace
169: New songs and celebration Day 3: Poverty to riches
170. Day 4:Psalm 118 verse 10
171. Day 5: Isaiah 59 verse 19
172. Day 6:Ecclesisates 8 verse 13
173. Day 7: Psalm 34 verse 19
174. Day 8: Psalm 27 verse 2
175. Day 9: Jeremiah 1 verse 19
176. Day 10: Isaiah 7 verse 7
177. Day 11: Isaiah 8 verses 9- 10
178. Day 12: Isaiah 10 verse 27
179. Day 13: Nahum 1 verse 9
180. Day 14:Joshua 1 verse 5
181. Day 15: Psalm 18 verse 37
182. Day 16: Psalm 63 verses 9- 10
183. Day 17: Psalm 25 verses 1- 2
184. Day 18: Psalm 20 verse 1
185. Day 19: Psalm 46 verse 1
186. Day 20: Psalm 91 verses 7- 8
187. Day 21: Psalm 121 verses 1- 8
188. A man whom I appointed to utter destruction
189. Pentecostal transformation and empowerment
190. Pentecostal transformation and empowerment Day 1: New and other Tongue
191. Pentecostal transformation and empowerment Day 2: Prophetic Power
191. Pentecostal transformation and empowerment Day 3: Ability to dream dreams
192. Pentecostal transformation and empowerment Day 4: Ability to see vision
193. Pentecostal transformation and empowerment Day 5: Power for effective witnessing
194. Pentecostal transformation and empowerment Day 6: Ability to discern
195. Count your blessings
196. Deliverance from captivity
197. Pentecostal transformation and empowerment Day 7: Demonstration of Gods power
198. Is there anything too hard for God to do?
199. Falling asleep
200. Darkness comprehended it not
201. Pray without ceasing
202. The evil under the sun
203. I shall rise again
204. Love not the world
205. Consequencies of entertaining the devil
206. As it was in the days of Noah
207. He that hated his brother
208. Killer Prayers
209. Destiny Bricks
210. The Truth we must know about our arrival and departure
211. The Rod of the wicked shall not rest upon me
212. Prayer of agreement
213. Your mind and the word od God
214. The associations we keep
215. The desire and expectations of Elisha
216. Our God is a consuming fire
217. Our God is a consuming fire Day 2: Anger agaisnt his children
218. Our God is a consuming Fire Part 3: The Lord that answereth by fire
219. Woe unto him that strive with his makers
220. Blessed are the peace maker
221. In me ye might have peace
222. My peace I give unto you Day7: Peace in my life
223. The strength of my life
224. My head shall not reject the crown of glory
225. My peace I give unto you Day 6: Peace in my home
226. Dealing with the seven enemies of peace Day1: Evil Report
227. Enjoying the dwelling place of the Lord
228. My peace I give unto you Day 5: Peace in the church
229. My Peace I give unto you Day 4: Victory over calamity and tragedy
230. My peace I give unto you Day 3: The storm will not scatter my life
231. My Peace I give unto you. Day 2: Dealing with the power behind the storm
232. My peace I give unto you Day 1: Jesus Christ rescue me
233. My peace I give unto you
234. The predictions for the wicked
235. The associations we keep
236. Dealing with the seven enemies of peace Day 2: Sudden and untimely death
237. Dealing with the seven enemies of peace Day 1: Jesus Christ rescue me
238. Dealing with the seven enemies of peace Day 3: Loss of precious things
239. Dealing with the seven enemies of peace Day 4: Evil dreams
240. Dealing with the seven enemies of peace Day 5: Enemies within
241. Dealing with the seven enemies of peace Day 6: Conspiracy
242. Dealing with the seven enemies of peace Day 7: Witchcraft threats
243. Seven dangerous Haman to destroy