Spiritual Empowerment Books




Jesus is waiting to answer you Jesus is the way, the solution and light

Enough is Enough

Setting and achieving your goals

Scriptural fulfilment and divine reward

How to obtain double restoration

Understanding the hidden wasters

Unexplainable supply and abundance

Never give up

  • Never give up is an inspirational book written to liberate those who are at the verge of given up, it is a book put together to empower those who are tired of backwardness and stagnancy, it’s a piece that is scripturally backed to give hope to the hopeless and motivation to those who are discouraged and above all to restore confidence to al

God is not a liar

  • Numbers 23 verses 19 – 2o “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? 20 Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it

Understanding the mystery of life

  • In Jeremiah 17 verse 9, the Bible says the Heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it? Also Hosea 4 verse 6a, the Bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. May the Lord open your eyes as you read on in the name of Jesus.

Never too late

  • Never too late is a book written to restore hope to the hopeless, life to those who are dying, encouragement to the discouraged, laughter to the sorrowful, to lift up those who have fallen from glory to disgrace, to heal those who are sick, to deliver those in the cage of the enemies and to give light to those in darkness.

Advancement and freedom

Unexplainable overflow

Great Deliverance

Great Relief

Terms and Conditions

  • This book is written to open our understanding into why believers are missing out on God’s blessings. You may be a citizen of a country but if you fail to obey the rules of the land you will not only be missing out but may face prosecution. In Isaiah 1 verse 19 “ If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

Get up

  • Get Up was written to open our understanding to identifying and overcoming the common lies we tell ourselves as individuals when it comes to why we fail. It reveals why we often failed in taking actions expected of us at a particular time and on certain crucial issues of life. In this book you will learn the meaning of the word get up, those who need to get up

Understanding Biblical parables

The uncommon move of God

Operating in the power of the Holy Ghost2.99

Divine visitation

Accessing great door

Table in the presence of my enemies

Flourishing like the palm

  • Flourishing like the palm

Transforming your ashes to beauty

  • Transforming your ashes to beauty

Possessing unquestionable and unstoppable victory

  • Possessing unquestionable and unstoppable victory    

Thy name shall be great

  • Thy name shall be great