Prayer for the Family
1. The stolen shall be recovered
2. Heavenly Carpenter break the evil horns troubling my home Message Video
3. I shall not bring trouble upon my family Message Video
4. Killing the rage of envy and jealousy in a home Message Video
5. Affliction shall not rise in my home Message Video
6. If the foundations be destroyed Message Video
7. Divine multiplication Message Video
8. My household shall serve the Lord Message Video
9. Resisting the devil in the home Message Video
10. Binding family strongman Message Video
11. Lord visit my home Message Video
12. They shall not prevail against thee Video
13: My family shall not lack Video
14. Lord be a wall of fire around my home Video
15. My home is for signs and wonders Video
16. Greater glory upon my home Video
17. God’s protection over my home Youtube
18. Dealing with the little foxes in the home Video
19. Receiving good and perfect gifts from God Video
20. Lord make my home untouchable for the enemies Video
21. Home built upon the rock Video
22. Lord lift up my burdens Video
23. Peace of God upon my home Video
24. Lord wipe away my tears Video