Facts on peace and rest

1. Prayer for peace and rest
2. Miracle of Jesus Christ in Cana Galilee
3. My children shall not beg for bread
4. I shall not fall
5. Sins and repentance
6. Holiness
7. Holy Spirit
8. The Fivefold Ministry
9. The fruit of the spirit
10. Spiritual gifts
11. Celestial and Terrestrial bodies and the resurrection of the dead
12. The arm of flesh will fail thee
13. Who touched my clothes
14. Faith and fear cometh by hearing
15. Praying against evil net
16. Saved by grace
17. Possessing and eating the good of the land
18. Be vigilant for the enemies are coming back
19. Swallowed Riches
20. The light shineth in darkness
21. Spiritual eyes
22. Blotting out evil handwriting
23. Upon the wicked
24. I shall not plant for another to harvest
25. Putting the flesh under control
26. Roll away the stone
27. Overcoming the veil of darkness
28. He prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies
29. Great mountain must become plain
30. Witchcraft must die
31. Kill them before they kill you
32. Diviners must run mad
33. Conspiracy to kill me shall fail
34. The people which are called by my name
35. Ministerial corruption (spiritual leprosy)
36. Power against unclean spirit
37. War against silent killer (worries)
38. Connecting with power in the word of God
39. Ministerial corruption
40. Beware lest Satan take advantage
41. I shall end well

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